Lyubov Ilchenko



Ilchenko Lyubov, founder and president Center of Real Aikido “LOTOS”, owner of the black belt - 7 Dan, began to practice aikido in September 1992 with Vitaly Bychkov, and attended seminars of aikido masters Naomi Nomura (7 dan), Minoru Kanetsuky (7 dan). Since 1994, after the first seminar of real aikido, under the leadership of Lyubomir Vracharevich, she began to practice real aikido. She was certified at the 2nd kyu, blue Belt at this seminar.

In August 1995, with her husband, Ilchenko Alexander, she gained her first real aikido groups.
In May 1996, she certified for the 1st dan, black belt;
In April 2000, she certified for 2nd dan, black belt;
In May 2001, she certified for 3rd dan, black belt;
In November 2005, she certified for 4th dan, black belt;
In November 2006, she certified for the 5th dan, black belt;
In October 2012, certified for the 6th dan, black belt;
In April 2019, assigned the 7th dan, black belt.

All certifications were personally accepted by Lubomir Vracharevich black belt, 10th dan, SOKE Since December 3, 1997, she is the founder and president of the Center of Real Aikido “LOTOS”. Since 2006, she heads the Federation of Real Aikido of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FRARK), which she founded with the initiative group on June 18, 2004.

In 2009, she participated in editing and publishing Lubomir Vracharevich’s book “Real Aikido”. Since 2000, she regularly publishes teaching aids for students and trainers. Also in 2009 she defended her magisters's thesis and has a degree - magister of pedagogical and historical sciences. In 2011, she released the author's educational and informational disc “The Dynamics of Real Aikido”, with elements of self-defense for women.

She participated in the organization of more than 30 international and national seminars on real aikido WCRA and later on the real aikido self-defense system IFSRA, actively promotes the real aikido self-defense system IFSRA in the media. Conducts field republican and international seminars on the real aikido self-defense system IFSRA. She is a participant of many martial arts festivals and demonstrations.

In the framework of FRARK, he actively cooperates with the Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation, has the first referee category of the World Hand-to-Hand Combat Federation, and she collaborates with security companies and the Presidential Security Service. She is an active IFSRA real aikido self-defense trainer, has several active groups.
She has raised 42 masters from 1st dan to 5th dan, black belt.
